Classmates Where Are YOU?
Claudia Brown-Ratcliff (Brown)
May God, continues to bless the class of 1977, I know that some of us have turned the big "50". I trust that we are taking great care of ourselves so that we may make another 30 years to meet and greet one another, with the love of Christ, forgetting all the childhood high school dislikes and walking towards a greater friendship into the future, because the word of God says, when I was a child I spoke as a child, but when I growed up I put away childish things - I say all of this to inform you, That many of your classmate felt as if there was still some clinches attitudes in the air - evidence by most of the picture the are on the website - I do trust that everyone has grown pass the high school dislikes - we are not the same as thirty years ago.......Sela!