After Reunion Survey
What did you like BEST about the 30th reunion?
What did you like LEAST about the 30th reunion?
How can we make a BETTER reunion for the next gathering?
How did you hear about the Reunion?
Use Ctrl+Click (or Cmd-click on a Mac) to select multiple values.
What were your thoughts of meeting at the high school?
Which days did you attend? (choose all that apply)
Use Ctrl+Click (or Cmd-click on a Mac) to select multiple values.
When should we have our NEXT reunion?
What locations do you suggest for the next Reunion?
What Season of the Year should we have the Reunion?
What Price Range will you pay to attend the Main Event?
What Price Range will you Pay to have EVERYTHING included?
I want to be part of the NEXT Reunion's Planning Committee? My Name is:
I would like to be a Sponsor for the Next Reunion. My Name is:
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